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發布者:管理員  2019/8/10 14:20:58


Epoxy floor varnish [underbiting] phenomenon refers to the phenomenon that epoxy floor varnish softens and expands the primer film and forms wrinkles on the surface of the floor. Generally, this phenomenon is easy to occur in the construction of floor varnish materials containing strong solvents. There are two main problems in the appearance of epoxy floor paint.


1. Unmatched Floor Paint Material


Generally speaking, the products of epoxy floor paint material manufacturers are all matched production, but the formulations of different floor paint manufacturers are different, if mixed use, it is likely that the original floor paint will be soft, and once the primer softens and expands, there will be the disadvantage of underbiting. Therefore, the construction of the same manufacturer's products is required, which can reduce the risk. If two materials must be used separately, it is suggested that small areas should be tested before large areas can be used without underbiting.


2. Paint a coat before it dries out thoroughly


Epoxy floor paint is a film-forming paint, which needs to be completely cured in order to have toughness and strength. If the primer is not completely dry, the primer and the top coat will penetrate into each other, which will lead to the problem of underbiting. Or paint construction is too thick, drying time is too long, there will be a problem of undercutting.


What about the phenomenon of underbiting of epoxy floor paint?


1. Primers and topcoats should be used together.


2. Primer coatings should be coated after drying. Primer coatings should be covered before drying completely. In the case of matching coatings which are easy to bite, a thin layer of primer coatings should be applied first, and then a thick layer of primer coatings should be applied after the primer is dried.


3. If serious underbiting occurs, the coating should be completely eradicated, and the same kind of floor paint material should be selected for painting after the base is dried.

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